El Cajon (CA) Police Department canine “Jester” is recovering from being stabbed while apprehending a suspect last week. While Jester was being treated, his handler noticed a dog recovering from a rattlesnake bite and decided he wanted to do something to help.
Sgt. Michael Murphy and other officers were happy Jester was going to be ok, but they noticed a pair of two-and-a-half-year-old German Shepherds being treated for rattlesnake bites, reports CBS8. One of the two dogs was in bad shape.
“The male had gotten hit in his tongue by the rattlesnake, so he was in pretty grave condition,” Murphy says.
Murphy, who is president of the El Cajon Canine Officers Association, decided to help this family out with a $1,300 donation from the nonprofit to pay for the dog’s treatment. The dog was getting the one treatment of anti-venom and Murphy said the association will cover any additional anti-venom that the dog needs and the blood work.