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Special Units
Coffee Break with Police Experts: School Resource Officers
POLICE Senior Editor Wayne Parham interviews Mo Canady, executive director of the National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO), about the role of SRO post Uvalde and before.
Coffee Break with Police Experts: Drone as First Responder Programs
POLICE Magazine Editor David Griffith discusses Drone as First Responder Programs with Guillaume Delepine, senior director of go to market strategies for Skydio.
Coffee Break: The Benefits of Digitally Managing Vehicle Keys
POLICE Magazine Editor David Griffith speaks with Bryce Thompson, life safety coordinator for the Wylie (Texas) Police Department about key management for law enforcement vehicles.
Coffee Break: Issues in Law Enforcement Training
POLICE Editor David Griffith speaks with Ari Vidali about the state of law enforcement training and how to make it more effective. Vidali, founder and chief strategist of Vector Solutions' Acadis solution, discusses how Vector Solutions can help.
Best Practices for Building a Safe City
Milestone's safe city experts, Jason Tyre and José Brito, share how proactive technology is enabling cities to uncover crime trends, monitor and improve traffic flow, and allocate resources efficiently.
Working with Crime Scene Investigators
POLICE Magazine Editor David Griffith chats with forensic investigator and Columbia Southern University professor Dr. Heidi Sievers about forensic training and how officers and crime scene investigators can work together to achieve best results.
Coffee Break with Police Experts: Challenges Facing 911 Call Centers and How Technology can Help
Jordan Witt, product manager for public safety at CentralSquare Technologies, speaks with POLICE editor David Griffith about 911 personnel shortages, abandoned calls, and other issues facing emergency communications centers and how technology can help.
POLICE Coffee Break: The Benefits of Training Management Systems
Retired law enforcement training sergeant and Vector Solutions engineer Doug Kazensky speaks with POLICE editor David Griffith about training management systems and how they help agencies organize training information.
Coffee Break with Police Experts: Moral Injury
POLICE Senior Editor Wayne Parham and Rita Nakashima Brock, Ph.D., discuss moral injury as it relates to law enforcement. Brock is senior vice president and director of the Shay Moral Injury Center at Volunteers of America.
Coffee Break with Police Experts: Improving Dry-Fire Training
POLICE Contributing Editor Doug Wyllie discusses the training value of the DryFireMag with Stan Seigler, owner of the company. The DryFireMag eliminates the need for racking the slide on a semi-auto for dry-fire training.
How Open Source Intelligence Can Identify Threats
POLICE Magazine Editor David Griffith discussed open source intelligence investigations on the Cobwebs Technologies Tangles solution with Johnmichael O'Hare, business development director for Cobwebs.
The Role of School Police in Critical Incidents
POLICE Magazine Editor David Griffith interviews Rodney Ellis, chief of the Glynn County (GA) Board of Education Police about the need for school agencies, what it takes to lead a school agency, and school police response to active shooters and disasters.
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