Reality-Based Training

The phrase “Reality-Based Training” conjures up myriad images for the average law enforcement officer. It could mean working out in expensive interactive shoot houses, performing under stressful conditions in realistic scenarios, or simply training with your uniform on. The fact is that all of these things, and much more, can be part of a good Reality-Based Training (RBT) program.

Pincus 1 Headshot

The phrase “Reality-Based Training” conjures up myriad images for the average law enforcement officer. It could mean working out in expensive interactive shoot houses, performing under stressful conditions in realistic scenarios, or simply training with your uniform on. The fact is that all of these things, and much more, can be part of a good Reality-Based Training (RBT) program.

The concept of “Reality-Based Writing” probably doesn’t start the neurons in your brain firing quite as rapidly. But my content in’s new Firearms and Firearms Tactics channel is going to be just that, Reality-Based Writing, defined as writing based on observation, experience, and opinion…all of it real, reasonable, and rational.

You may not agree with all of what I write here, and that’s fine. But I’ll guarantee that my suggestions and opinions will never be motivated by politics, policy, or advertising.

Too often, instructors are hemmed in by policies that are outdated, ill-conceived, or worse. Similarly, equipment choices and training programs in law enforcement are heavily influenced by politics, the status quo, and advertising campaigns…. All of which may or may not take into account the reality of the officer on the street. Expect this column to address practical issues that will make sense to officers looking to be safer and more efficient.

Police Magazine’s editor, David Griffith, has honored me with the invitation to participate here weekly on topics of training and equipment for Law Enforcement Personnel. An important part of this column will be reader feedback, as the questions you submit and comments that you offer will generate a great deal of the content.

From training topics to the latest gear, expect straight talk. Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing from you.

About the Author
Pincus 1 Headshot
Director of Operations
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