A police officer who killed a man in Cincinnati during a traffic stop will be charged with murder, the Hamilton County prosecutor said today, noting, "This was the purposeful killing of another person."
"I'm treating him like a murderer," prosecutor Joseph Deters said during a news conference when describing the warrant out for a police officer who killed Samuel Dubose, 43, earlier this month.
Footage released today from a police officer's body cam lasts about 10 minutes and shows the shooting, ABC News reports.
“I have been doing this for 30 years," Deters said. "This is the most asinine act I have ever seen a police officer make.”
Footage from university police officer's body cam was released along with the result of the grand jury's investigation. If convicted, the officer could receive life in prison, Deters said. Deters said there's no evidence race was an issue in the killing, when asked by reporters.
"This guy didn’t deserve to be tased and he certainly didn’t deserve to be shot in the head," Deters said of Dubose.