Florida Department Extends Test of Amazon's Facial Recognition Software

The Orlando Police Department plans to continue its test of Amazon's controversial "Rekognition" facial recognition software, despite opposition from civil rights groups and even company employees and investors.

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The Orlando Police Department plans to continue its test of Amazon's controversial "Rekognition" facial recognition software, despite opposition from civil rights groups such as the ACLU and even company employees and investors.

Rekognition can identify a person in a crowd matching an image uploaded to the system and track their movements in real time. The department had been using a free “proof of concept” trial of the system with seven police officers who volunteered to participate having images uploaded.

According to the Orlando Sentinel, the department informed Mayor Buddy Dyer and the city council that more time was needed to make a “thoughtful, precise and comprehensive recommendation” on whether or not the city should eventually purchase the technology.

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