Minneapolis Police to No Longer Make Stops for Minor Violations

Police Chief Medaria Arrandondo, in an internal memo Thursday, said the move comes after examining how officers can better use time and resources.

Minneapolis police will no longer stop motorists for minor traffic violations, such as expired tabs or an air freshener hanging from their rearview mirror, according to a new policy change.

Police Chief Medaria Arrandondo, in an internal memo Thursday, said the move comes after examining how officers can better use time and resources.

"MPD will no longer be conducting traffic stops solely for these offenses: expired tabs, an item dangling from a mirror, or not having a working license plate light," Arradondo wrote in the memo obtained by the Star Tribune.

Critics have long argued that low-level traffic stops in which officers use a minor traffic or equipment violation as a justification for pulling over someone they want to investigate contribute to racial disparities in the criminal justice system.

The memo also said the city attorney will stop prosecuting tickets for driving after suspension if there was no accident "or other egregious driving behavior that would impact public safety," Fox News reports.

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