DART Removes Common Barriers to Firearms Training

Digimation's DART provides options for police while overcoming barriers to training.

Wayne Parham Headshot Headshot

DART can convert any area, even small spaces, into a training range.DART can convert any area, even small spaces, into a training range.Digimation

Many police departments may not have the budget, resources, or available space of much larger agencies when it comes to firearms training. Digimation provides a small-footprint solution that addresses many of the barriers to training faced by departments.

“Training is all about repetition and accessibility,” says David Avgikos, president and CEO of the 3D simulator company. “We believe that these skills have to be frequently practiced not once a year, not twice a year, that doesn't move the needle, but frequently. We've designed a system to where we think we get that done.”

The Digimation Arms Trainer (DART) system was designed with portability, affordability, strong capabilities, and ease of use, in mind. The system is primarily comprised of the DART box and a projector and it’s compact enough to turn even a small room into a training area.

DART uses advanced 3D graphics together with video to create courses and scenarios and both DART Range and DART Creator are included in the software bundle for every DART system.

DART Range is used to practice decision-making, marksmanship, and critical firearm and tactical skills in a wide variety of realistic digital environments. DART Creator allows you to develop and customize your own courses to meet your department’s specific training objectives.

Avgikos’ goal with the DART line of products was to remove barriers such as ammunition costs, availability of range time, proximity to a range, weather conditions, and availability of officers’ time to devote to training. With DART, an officer could even train a few minutes before and after each shift to stay sharp.

The DART range system is small and portable.The DART range system is small and portable.Digimation

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Wayne Parham Headshot Headshot
Senior Editor
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