Partner Testifies About Slain Philly Officer

Philadelphia Police Officer Mark Klein, 26, took the witness stand Friday to describe the night he lost his partner and high-school friend John Pawlowski.

Philadelphia Police Officer Mark Klein, 26, took the witness stand Friday to describe the night he lost his partner and high-school friend John Pawlowski, reports the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Klein, who joined the force because of Pawlowski, listened to his own desperate radio call for help, after Pawlowski was fataly shot by Rasheed Scruggs on Feb. 13, 2009. A jury will hand Scruggs death by lethal injection or life without parole following testimony.

The night of the shooting, officers confronted Scruggs and orderd him to show his hands, which were stuffed into coat pockets. After Scruggs' gunfire struck Pawlowski, Klein dragged his parter to safety and fired 10 rounds, striking and wounding Scruggs.

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