A 15-year-old Akron, Ohio, high school student armed with a loaded semi-automatic pistol struggled with a police officer inside the school Monday morning before being subdued and arrested.
The school was locked down for about an hour, and no shots were fired. The officer who arrested the student during a struggle sustained an arm injury, police said.
Police Lt. Rick Edwards told the Akron Beacon Journal the student was spotted in the main hallway near the cafeteria. The assistant principal and officer Kevin Cooper saw the boy and tried to take him into custody. A second student, 16, tried to interfere with the arrest, police said.
During the struggle inside the school hallway, the officer could feel a gun inside the student’s clothing, Edwards said. It was then that Cooper worked to take the boy outside near the main entrance. Cooper eventually restrained the boy and secured the loaded .45-caliber pistol.