Canadian Officer Found Dead in Parking Lot

A man found dead Thursday morning in an Orillia parking lot has been identified as a veteran Ontario Provincial Police officer.

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A man found dead Thursday morning in an Orillia parking lot has been identified as a veteran Ontario Provincial Police officer, reports the Orillia Packet and Times.

Det.-Const. Dave Herrington died while on duty in Orillia. The cause of death has not been released, but foul play is not suspected.

Throughout most of the business day Thursday, police had a portion of the parking lot between the Home Depot and the RBC branch in west Orillia blocked off for an investigation. Orillia OPP Const. Jim Edwards confirmed the police presence was in relation to the discovery of the body in a vehicle, but he was not able to elaborate.

Herrington, a member of the OPP's Physical Surveillance Unit under the Technical Support Branch with 25 years of service, was later identified as the victim by provincial media co-ordinator Sgt. Peter Leon in a news release.

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