In the wake of the murder of Newman police officer Ronil Singh, elected officials and law enforcement leaders across California are pointing to SB-54—which prohibits local authorities from sharing information with ICE about certain criminal activity committed by undocumented immigrants—as the reason Gustavo Perez Arriaga was able to murder Singh.
Republican Assemblyman Jim Patterson said, "I'm suggesting the outcome could have been different. If law enforcement wasn't prohibited, restricted or had their hands tied from political interference."
Sheriff Margaret Mims said, "It's ridiculous the state dictates the local law enforcement which other law enforcement agencies they can and can't talk to.
According to KSEE-TV, Arriaga had two DUI offenses and was reportedly a "Surenos" gang member.
The illegal immigrant was taken into custody over the weekend, along with at least six people who are accused of aiding in his escape from police.