The Harahan (LA) Police Department is attempting to get drug users in the area to bring their meth to the department for "testing."
The agency added a cheeky post to its Facebook page stating that they would happily test citizens' meth for the presence of the Zika virus.
"If you have recently purchased meth in any area of Louisiana it may be contaminated with the Zika Virus," the post read. "Please bring all of it to your local Police Department and they will test it for free. If you're not comfortable coming to us, an officer will be glad to come to you and test your Meth in the privacy of your home. Please spread the word! We’re available 24/7/365. Be Safe!"
According to ABC News, the post was shared about 2,000 times and had garnered about 1,200 reactions in the first 12 hours.
Officer Keith Moody—who operates the department's Facebook page—told ABC News no one had taken them up on their offer for a trip to the county jail.
Moody added, however, that investigators are gleaning some "great intelligence) from comments to the post.
"Criminals have a tendency to say/do some pretty incriminating behavior when given the opportunity to 'blow off'," Moody said.