MN Deputy Indicted for Manslaughter Over 2018 OIS

A grand jury has handed down an indictment of manslaughter against a deputy with the Washington County (MN) Sheriff's Office for a fatal shooting of an armed, suicidal man in 2018.

A grand jury has handed down an indictment of manslaughter against a deputy with the Washington County Sheriff's Office for a fatal shooting of an armed, suicidal man in 2018.

According to the Pioneer Press, Deputy Brian Krook will face second-degree manslaughter charges in Washington County District Court.

In the incident in question, Krook shot and killed 23-year-old Benjamin Evans who was reportedly holding a handgun and confronting officers, telling them he wanted to kill himself.

Officers made repeated attempts to persuade him to put down the gun. Eventually, circumstances made officers fear for their lives, and Krook discharged his weapon, striking Evans several times, officials say.

Deputies immediately applied first aid before Evans was transported to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead.

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