The Braintree (MA) Police Department had some fun on Facebook with a request to would-be criminals to refrain from any criminal activity during the ongoing heatwave that has gripped the entire eastern half of the United States.
The Facebook post read, "Folks. Due to the extreme heat, we are asking anyone thinking of doing criminal activity to hold off until Monday. It is straight up hot as soccer balls out there. Conducting criminal activity, in this extreme heat is next level henchmen status, and also very dangerous.
The post continued, "Stay home, blast the AC, binge Stranger Things Season 3, play with the face app, practice karate in your basement. We will all meet again on Monday when it's cooler."
It concluded, "PS: please no spoiler alerts. We're just finishing season 2."
The Malden Police Department had a similar request posted to Facebook, saying, "HEAT ADVISORY: ALL CRIMINAL ACTIVITY IS BEING PUT ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE."
The post continued, "It is going to be extremely hot over the weekend. Malden Police is advising all criminals to stay inside until further notice. However, if you should choose to ignore the friendly advice, Malden Police officers are ready and staying hydrated to ensure that the great City of Malden is protected."
The post concluded, "We may let you run in the heat for a bit, while we get closer to you in an AC equipped cruiser and plenty of water, but we’ll get you!"