Elected Leaders in Massachusetts Debate Police Officers in Schools

Officials in Massachusetts recently passed a "police reform bill" this week that would allow public schools the option of removing resource officers in districts across the state. The bill also imposes police oversight, bans choke-holds, limits the use of tear gas, licenses all law enforcement officers, and requires that they take training on the history of racism.

Officials in Massachusetts recently passed a "police reform bill" this week would allow public schools the option of removing resource officers in districts across the state. The bill also imposes police oversight, bans choke-holds, limits the use of tear gas, licenses all law enforcement officers, and requires that they take training on the history of racism..

According to NBC News, opponents to the measure say that removing school police would be harmful for students. Boston Public School elementary teacher Jennifer Hayes argued that school police officers help with conflict and danger.

NBC News reports that more than 4,600 people signed a petition to keep police in Boston Public Schools.

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