MSI's AB2K-MMADS is a fast, multi-mission, fully portable less-lethal aerosol delivery system. AB2K can shoot a stream of dense smoke over 100 feet. The non-toxic smoke is non-oil based so it will not contaminate deployment areas. A fully charged unit can expel 320,000 cubic feet of smoke. Optionally, law enforcement and military can upgrade missions with OC or CS and use the device in tactical scenarios. The smoke is compatible with thermal imaging. Participle size is 0.2 to 0.4 microns. The system has an extensive and broad range of applications including training and demanding tactical uses.
Less-Lethal Aerosol
MSI's AB2K-MMADS is a fast, multi-mission, fully portable less-lethal aerosol delivery system. AB2K can shoot a stream of dense smoke over 100 feet.
April 29, 2015
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