DeSantis Introduces Intruder Concealment Holster

Desantis Gunhide has introduced the Intruder, a tuck-able concealment holster that's available for five company semi-autos and revolvers. The Kydex Intruder can be adjusted for height and cant and consists of a steer-hide back and Kydex-molded front.

DeSantis Intruder for the Kimber Solo. Photo: DeSantis.DeSantis Intruder for the Kimber Solo. Photo: DeSantis.

Desantis Gunhide has introduced the Intruder, a tuck-able concealment holster that's available for five company semi-autos and revolvers.

The Kydex Intruder can be adjusted for height and cant and consists of a steer-hide back and Kydex-molded front. It is offered in plain black with a right- or left-side orientation.

The holster is available for the Ruger LC9, Kahr PM45, Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380, Smith & Wesson J-Frame, and Kimber Solo. It retails for $64.95.

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