California's Gun Laws Get Tougher

California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a half-dozen gun-control measures into law Friday, adding sharp teeth to a set of California laws already considered the nation's toughest.

California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a half-dozen gun-control measures into law Friday, adding sharp teeth to a set of California laws already considered the nation's toughest, reports the Orange County Register.

His signature drew praise from liberal leaders who sought tighter restrictions in the wake of the Dec. 2 San Bernardino, CA, terrorist attack and other mass shootings, and criticism from conservatives who complained Sacramento was eroding Second Amendment rights.

Among the bills Brown approved was Senate Bill 1446, which bans possession of magazines with the capacity to hold more than 10 rounds and requires people who already have them to turn them in to authorities.

Among other things, the legislation also outlaws assault rifles that have something called a bullet button, which enables gun operators to quickly change magazines, and mandates background checks when guns are loaned to someone other than a close relative. Background checks also will be mandatory for ammunition purchases.

In any event, law enforcement agencies across Southern California are preparing to enforce the new laws, no matter what officials might think of them.

"We respect the legislation that has been passed," said Lt. Mark Stichter, spokesman for the Orange County (CA) Sheriff's Department. "We will uphold those laws and enforce them.

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