Taught by Sgt. Frank Mika and Andrew Hwang of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Training Division, “End of Pursuit Tactics: Policy and Training will be both a classroom and hands-on course. The two-hour course will focus on essential tactics to be used in end of pursuit scenarios and discussions of shoot/don’t shoot policies involving moving vehicles. The course will culminate with actual vehicle demonstrations.
“The End of Pursuit Tactics” will be followed by “Arrest and Control Techniques,” a one-hour complementary class taught by Jim Katapodis of the Los Angeles PD’s Training Division. The class will be a hands-on session focusing on techniques that can minimize the risk of injury to both officers and suspects.
Other new courses that have been added to the TREXPO conference include: “Ground Fighting Techniques” taught by George Ryan of the LAPD SWAT team, “Command Tactical Challenges” taught by Deputy Chief Mike Hillman of the LAPD, “Taser Policy, Training, and Tactics” taught by Capt. Greg Meyer of the Los Angeles Police Academy, and a—at presstime untitled—seminar to be taught by Commander Charles “Sid” Heal of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department.
Previously announced courses scheduled for TREXPO West run the gamut from classroom programs to hands-on courses. They include a four-hour seminar that will analyze SWAT operations that have resulted in operator deaths. The seminar will be taught by retired LAPD SWAT officer and NTOA board member Ron McCarthy.
The TREXPO West conference will convene on March 14 with a keynote address by security and counter-terrorism expert J. Kelly McCann. McCann (aka Jim Grover) is senior vice president of Kroll Security Operations. As one of America’s foremost experts on anti-terrorism and counter-terrorism strategies, McCann has helped develop tactics and procedures for several government agencies. He holds a master instructor rating in combative skills from the U.S. Marine Corps.
The TREXPO West trade show will open March 15 with a presentation by Col. Danny McKnight, U.S. Army (Ret.). McKnight served more than 28 years on active duty, earning his Ranger Tab, Master Parachutist Badge with Combat Star, Combat Infantryman’s Badge, and Pathfinder Badge. He was awarded two Legion of Merit medals, a Bronze Star, and a Purple Heart. He now works as the Homeland Security Training Coordinator in the Criminal Justice Center at Brevard Community College.
Sworn law enforcement officers are admitted to the TREXPO trade show and keynotes free of charge by showing their IDs. There is a charge for courses, seminars, and training.
Sponsoring agencies for TREXPO West are the LAPD and the Long Beach Police Department. All events will be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
For more information, visit www.trexpo.com.