K-9 Thor is being credited with the location and seizure of 60 pounds of marijuana at a traffic stop on Monday, and the subsequent seizure of large amounts of cocaine, MDMA, crystal meth, and fentanyl.Image courtesy of Johnstown PD / Facebook
A K-9 with the Johnstown (PA) Police Department is being credited with the location and seizure of 60 pounds of marijuana at a traffic stop on Monday, and the subsequent seizure of large amounts of cocaine, MDMA, crystal meth, and fentanyl.
According to NBC News, police had stopped a vehicle driven by 27-year-old Andrew Colvin on suspicion of driving under the influence.
Police searched the vehicle and K-9 Thor alerted to the presence of marijuana. Police say the drugs were packaged in such a way as to mask the odor, but Thor was not fooled.
The haul is estimated to have a street value of $300,000.
Following the arrest of Colvin, police obtained a search warrant of a storage facility rented in his name where K-9 Thor sniffed out the other illegal drugs.