Pryme Radio Products' New WTX-500 series wireless push-to-talk (PTT) adapter for two-way radios features a Quick Disconnect (QD) jack, and the wireless receiver enables you to activate the PTT function of your radio wirelessly. Furthermore, the compact PRYME PTT-4100W (included when purchasing any WTX-500 series) PTT Switch can be held in your hand or Velcro'ed to your clothing, and is powered by a single, easily replaced, coin-cell battery (also included), providing up to two years and hundreds of hours of operation free of chargers.
Wireless PTT Adapter
Pryme Radio Products' New WTX-500 series wireless push-to-talk (PTT) adapter for two-way radios features a Quick Disconnect (QD) jack, and the wireless receiver enables you to activate the PTT function of your radio wirelessly.
May 25, 2011
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