Duty Deaths Up 25% in 2024, NLEOMF Reports

The leading cause of line-of-duty deaths for police officers in 2024 was gunfire, and the largest increase over 2023 resulted from traffic-related incidents, both underscoring the growing risks faced by law enforcement officers in the line of duty.

At least 244 names will be added to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial by May 2025. They will also be honored at the annual Candlelight Vigil.At least 244 names will be added to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial by May 2025. They will also be honored at the annual Candlelight Vigil.Screen Shot from NLEOMF Video

The number of law enforcement professionals nationwide who died in the line of duty in 2024 increased 25% compared to the previous year, according to preliminary data provided by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF).

Data from NLEOMF’s “2024 End-of-Year Preliminary Law Enforcement Officers Fatalities Report” shows that 147 federal, state, county, municipal, military, tribal, and campus officers have died in the line of duty in 2024, representing a 25% increase compared to the 118 officers who died in the line of duty in 2023.

The leading cause of line-of-duty deaths for police officers in 2024 was gunfire, and the largest increase over 2023 resulted from traffic-related incidents, both underscoring the growing risks faced by law enforcement officers in the line of duty.

Gunfire Deaths

Firearms-related fatalities claimed the lives of 52 officers in 2024, which represents a 13% increase from the 46 officers killed by gunfire in 2023 and was the leading cause of death.

Of the 52 firearms fatalities:

• 9 were killed during traffic enforcement

• 8 were killed attempting to make an arrest

• 8 were killed serving warrants/civil papers or an eviction

• 6 were investigating suspicious persons or circumstances

• 5 were ambushed

• 4 were handling domestic disturbance calls

• 4 were killed during tactical encounters

• 3 were killed in accidental/inadvertent shooting

• 2 were investigating disturbance calls

• 2 were off-duty robbery intervention

• 1 was a vehicle pursuit

Traffic-Related Deaths

Traffic-related fatalities increased 48% with 46 deaths in 2024, compared to 31 deaths in 2023. There were 29 fatal crashes in 2024 (automobile/motorcycle) compared to the 23 fatal crashes in 2023. “Struck-by” fatalities, defined as an officer struck outside of their patrol vehicle, went from 8 in 2023 to 17 in 2024, a 113% increase.

Of the 46 traffic-related deaths:

• 25 were automobile crashes

• 4 were motorcycle crashes

• 17 were struck-by fatalities

Other Causes

The “other causes” category includes long-term illnesses related to the September 11th terror attacks, acute medical events brought on by extreme and/or stressful events experienced on-duty, and a variety of rare yet significant fatal incidents.

Of the 49 “Other Causes” deaths in 2024:

• 35 were fatal medical events

• 4 officers drowned

• 4 officers were beaten to death

• 2 died in aircraft crashes

• 2 officers were stabbed to death

• 1 officer died assisting in a fire incident

• 1 officer was electrocuted

Local, State, and Federal

Texas experienced the largest number of law enforcement fatalities of all U.S. states in 2024, with 18 line-of-duty deaths.

• New York has the second highest number with 17 officer deaths

• Federal agencies have the third highest number with 10 officer deaths

• Illinois has the fourth highest number with 9 officer deaths

• Florida has the fifth highest number with 8 officer deaths

• 15 states did not lose an officer in 2024

Additional Demographics

There were 139 male officers killed in the line of duty, and 8 female officers. The average age of the fallen officers is 42, with an average of 14 years of service. On average, officers left behind two children.

The statistics released in the annual report are based on preliminary data compiled by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund and may not represent a final or complete list of individual officers who will be added to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in 2025.

Adding the Names

There are currently 24,067 names of officers killed in the line of duty inscribed on the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC, dating back to the first known death in 1786. The deadliest year on record for law enforcement was 2021, when 586 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty. NLEOMF anticipates adding at least 244 names to the sacred walls in the Spring of 2025, representing the current and historical deaths which, to date, have been approved as line-of-duty deaths.

For a complete copy of the 2024 End-of-Year Preliminary Law Enforcement Officers Fatalities Report, go to: https://nleomf.org/memorial/facts-figures/latest-fatality-reports/

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