Two Asheville, NC, police vehicles burn early Monday after an arson attack.Asheville PD
An investigation is underway after someone set two marked Asheville (NC) Police Department vehicles on fire early Monday, Aug. 14. The destroyed vehicles were not occupied at the time the attack.
During this time, an anarchist book fair was being hosted in Asheville, News 13 reports.
On Thursday, all Asheville City Council members except Kim Roney and Antanette Mosley signed a letter regarding solutions for public safety in the community. The letter mentioned approaches in preventing crime and investing in the police department.
Hours after that, council member Maggie Ullman took to social media to say someone went to her home and slashed her car tires and smashed her windows.
APD Chief David Zack told News13 earlier that the timeline of the letter, Ullman’s slashed tires, the anarchist book fair and the APD vehicle fires is suspicious.
Asheville Fraternal Order of Police President Rondell Lance believes the vandalism was sparked by an anti-police and anti-government mindset within the city.
The remains of two Asheville police vehicles torched early Monday.Asheville PD