FBI Say New Black Panthers May be Instigating Violence in Ferguson

Chawn Kweli, National Chief of Staff for the NBPP is in town, along with other members, to respond to the shooting of Michael Brown.

The FBI is concerned members of the New Black Panther Party are in Ferguson, Missouri and advocating violence against police, according to an alert from the St. Louis Division of the FBI.

Chawn Kweli, National Chief of Staff for the NBPP is in town, along with other members, to respond to the shooting of Michael Brown reports KTVI TV.

The St. Louis suburb of 21,000  has been  wracked by violence as outraged protesters demonstrated over the 18-year-old’s shooting faced off with police.

Brown was African-American. Police have not identified the shooter, but a witness told CNN on Tuesday that the officer who opened fire is a Caucasian male.

Kweli is posting Facebook updates from  Ferguson under the tag: Live Battle Report

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