40 Officers Killed by Gunfire in 2014

They were killed during traffic stops and bar fights. They were killed in ambushes and while serving search warrants. They were killed by men who admitted hating police officers or had grudges against the government — or they were found dead in unexplained circumstances. Two were shot in a remote Alaskan village not accessible by roads. And one died more than 20 years after he was shot on duty.

Rafael Ramos, left, and Wenjian Liu were killed while sitting in their patrol car in the Brooklyn on Dec. 20. The shooter reportedly walked up to the passenger side of the car and shot both officers in the head before they had a chance to draw their weapons and respond. He was later reportedly found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound in a subway. (Photo: NYPD)Rafael Ramos, left, and Wenjian Liu were killed while sitting in their patrol car in the Brooklyn on Dec. 20. The shooter reportedly walked up to the passenger side of the car and shot both officers in the head before they had a chance to draw their weapons and respond. He was later reportedly found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound in a subway. (Photo: NYPD)

They were killed during traffic stops and bar fights. They were killed in ambushes and while serving search warrants. They were killed by men who admitted hating police officers or had grudges against the government — or they were found dead in unexplained circumstances. Two were shot in a remote Alaskan village not accessible by roads. And one died more than 20 years after he was shot on duty.

This is, in roughly reverse chronological order, a list of 41 police officers killed by gunfire in the United States in 2014. It is not a comprehensive list of all officers killed in the line of duty, as police die on the job for any number of reasons

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