When Albuquerque police officer Ryan Holets responded to a possible theft at a convenience store in September, he noticed a couple sitting on the grass against a cement wall. It appeared the man and the pregnant woman were shooting up heroin in broad daylight behind the convenience store.
Crystal Champ, 35, told the officer that she was almost 8 months pregnant and an addict.
In the body camera footage, Holets questions Champ and her companion for almost 11 minutes. In the course of the conversation, Champ emotionally told Holets that she desperately hoped someone would adopt her baby.
Holets showed Champ a picture of his wife and four children, including a 10-month-old baby and in that moment offered to adopt her baby.
On October 12th, Crystal Champ gave birth to a baby girl and the Holets family named her Hope.
The Holets say Baby Hope suffered the painful process of detoxing and withdrawals and even endured methadone treatment. Baby Hope is no longer in the hospital, KTVZ reports.