Arizona Chief Suspended Amid Misconduct Allegations

The chief of police for the Buckeye (AZ) Police Department has been suspended for a 40-hour work suspension in connection amid allegations of misconduct stemming from an anonymous 2017 letter.

The chief of police for the Buckeye (AZ) Police Department has been suspended for a 40-hour work suspension in connection amid allegations of misconduct stemming from an anonymous 2017 letter, according to

It is writer of the letter—which was sent to several city officials—reportedly accuses Chief Larry Hall and other senior police leaders of falsifying crime statistics in an attempt to make the city appear more appealing.

The city said in a statement, "At this time, any actions the city is taking in regard to misconduct are considered personnel matters, are subject to appeal and cannot be discussed until due processes is completed per the Peace Officers Bill of Rights."

The five-page letter was signed by the "Anonymous Employees of the Buckeye Police Department."

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