Video: Ohio Officer Uses Pizza to Lure Wayward Pig to Squad Car

An officer with the Xenia (OH) Police Department spotted a runaway pig while on regular patrol over the weekend, and used a piece of leftover pizza to lure the little guy to the open back door of his patrol vehicle.

An officer with the Xenia (OH) Police Department spotted a runaway pig while on regular patrol over the weekend, and used a piece of leftover pizza to lure the little guy to the open back door of his patrol vehicle.

The department said on Facebook, "It’s been a couple of years since we had to deal with runaway swine but that’s what Ofc. Dan Smith got to go deal with up on E. Church St. today. Turns out that leftover pizza makes a good swine lure to get said runaway swine to come to the back of the police car. But it took a little muscle to get the runaway into the back of the car."

The department added, "We would like to thank the citizen who donated the swine lure. We would also like to say a special thank you to Bethanie Ann and her family for sending us this video. It's pure gold and will more than likely show up years from now at Ofc. Smith’s retirement party."

The pig—named Wilbur—was then reunited with his family.

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