Omaha Officers and a Customer Stop Grocery Store Active Shooter

Omaha Police were called to a west Omaha Hy-Vee location just after 6:30 p.m. Tuesday evening after several calls to dispatch were reporting shots had been fired there.

An off-duty Omaha Police deputy chief, an on-duty K-9 handler, and a brave customer helped to take down an active shooter at an Omaha Hy-Vee grocery store Tuesday evening.

Omaha Police were called to a west Omaha Hy-Vee location just after 6:30 p.m. Tuesday evening after several calls to dispatch were reporting shots had been fired there.

According to officials, a white male in his 20's shot at two cars in the pharmacy drive through then went inside. There were two minor injuries from the shooting, 1011Now reports.

Deputy-chief Scott Gray, who was off duty, K-9 Officer Staskiewicz, and a customer helped to take down the suspect. The suspect was taken into custody.


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