Florida Police Enforcing COVID-19 Distancing Rules on Beaches

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday issued an executive order saying: “I direct parties accessing public beaches in the state of Florida to follow the CDC guidance by limiting their gathering to no more than 10 persons, distancing themselves from other parties by 6 feet, and support beach closures at the discretion of local authorities."

Young people are flocking to Florida beaches despite the coronavirus crisis. Police are being asked to enforce the governor's orders on social distancing. (Photo: Click Orlando Video Screen Shot)Young people are flocking to Florida beaches despite the coronavirus crisis. Police are being asked to enforce the governor's orders on social distancing. (Photo: Click Orlando Video Screen Shot)

Spring break means massive crowds at Florida beaches, but amid concerns about the spread of coronavirus, the state is cracking down on beachgoers during one of its busiest times and law enforcement is being tasked with the job.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday issued an executive order saying: “I direct parties accessing public beaches in the state of Florida to follow the CDC guidance by limiting their gathering to no more than 10 persons, distancing themselves from other parties by 6 feet, and support beach closures at the discretion of local authorities."

Police officers are expected to crack down on violators at area beaches.

Officials said lifeguards will use a loudspeaker if they witness any large gatherings on the beach. Those who disobey warnings could be subjected to a second-degree misdemeanor charge, according to county leaders, Click Orlando reports.

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