Ohio Police Shutter Bar that Refused to Close Over Coronavirus Order

Police in Ohio took the unusual step of boarding up the entrance to a bar that held a private event for regular customers earlier this week, despite the standing order in that state to shut down operations amid the growing coronavirus outbreak.

Police in Ohio took the unusual step of boarding up the entrance to a bar that held a private event for regular customers earlier this week, despite the standing order in that state to shut down operations amid the growing coronavirus outbreak.

According to the New York Post, Cincinnati police officers boarded up a bar that ignored Governor Mike DeWine's orders to shut down and instead held a banquet for a number of patrons.

Police reportedly had warned the proprietor to remain closed under the governor's orders, but the bar held an event that attracted approximately 40 people on Monday evening.

Police shut down the establishment and charged the person responsible—who was not the owner—and officials are looking into revoking the bar's liquor license.


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