Greg Gutfeld, co-host of the Fox News daily commentary program "The Five," on Monday issued a plea for viewers to come to the aid of the family of Las Vegas Metropolitan 29-year-old Officer Shay Mikalonis, who was shot in the head during protests over the in-custody death of George Floyd in May and is now paralyzed from the neck down.
According to Fox News, Gutfeld briefly mentioned the Officer Shay Mikalonis GoFundMe donation page during "The Five" this week and discussed the natural human desire for helping.
After the segment, the GoFundMe fundraising page added $250,000 in additional funds in just a few hours. To date, more than $600,000 has been raised.
In a commentary posted to Fox News after the overwhelming response of viewers making donations small and large, Gutfeld wrote, "So what's the lesson? That people want to help if you let them."
He continued, "If your car breaks down in Texas, there will four pickup trucks pulling over to help. If you slip on a sidewalk, two pedestrians will help you up. When there's a disaster, people pitch in."
Gutfeld added, "This is vital to know, as we're caught in a whirlwind of demonic smears, when anchors of networks say all of America is irredeemably racist—when we have politicians who prefer vengeance over conversation.
Gutfeld concluded, "When we have angry activists who say it's legit to destroy somebody's business. When we have mobs who beat people down rather than help them up. We need to remind those people what decent people actually do. We assist. We sacrifice."