This summer Kingman, AZ, police lieutenant Brian Zach and his wife adopted 4-year-old Kaila, a little girl who suffered abuse and was comforted by the lieutenant when her responded to the scene.
In March 2018, Lt. Zach was working as a patrol sergeant when he and his officers got a call to check Kaila's residence. Kaila is a survivor of abuse and Zach spent that night bonding with her, he told "Good Morning America."
"We colored, we snacked ... she held my hand and she was just this cute little thing," Zach said. "Once detectives came, they picked her up and took her to the hospital."
Zach, who is a father to two other children, went home after spending hours with Kaila and told his wife that he wanted the child to come live with them.
During this time, Kaila was being treated for multiple injuries as a result of physical abuse. Zach said criminal charges were filed against Kaila's caretakers.
"She came (to us) with a sippy cup, a bag of clothes that didn't fit her and that was it," Zach
Kaila became the Zachs' daughter in August.