Concealed Comfort

The latest in concealable armor provides comfort and flexibility while still offering the protection you need from everyday dangers on the job.

Melanie Basich 2012 Headshot

The latest in concealable armor provides comfort and flexibility while still offering the protection you need from everyday dangers on the job.

American Body Armor

With a new logo and a new look, American Body Armor’s Xtreme HP (for high performance) is the most recent addition to the company’s established Xtreme line. The vest features a new and improved Level II NIJ certification, and weighs seven to eight pounds per square foot. A combination of ballistic materials, including Twaron and Dyneema, encased in an anti-microbial covering. The vest comes in ABA’s Xtreme NS carrier.

American Body Armor
Xtreme HP
NIJ Level II
Circle Reader Service No. 325

ArmorShield USA

Certified to NIJ Level IIIA, the Cougar concealable vest from ArmorShield USA is designed to give good coverage coupled with light weight. When used in conjunction with a ceramic composite upgrade plate, the vest will defeat high-velocity, single-shot rifle fire. Features include waterproof sonic welded ballistic pouches; sports mesh fabrics, a soft strap system, and low-slip fabric shell for comfort; and low-friction loop material for secure straps.

ArmorShield USA
Circle Reader Service No. 326

Diamondback Tactical

The Diamondback Tactical R.C.V. was designed with the operator and officer in mind. This lightweight, six-point adjustable vest has the same Level IIIA ballistic package as the company’s R.C.B.V. and R.B.V. Predator vests. The ballistic panels in Diamondback’s tactical packages are interchangeable with the concealable carrier, which is like having two vests in one. This means a cost savings and less gear to haul around. This extremely lightweight Level IIIA ballistic vest is designed to be comfortable and rugged. Made of a washable 65/35 poly-cotton blend, the R.C.V. is designed to hold up well under adverse conditions. The R.C.V. can utilize any one of three type IIIA offerings and comes in four carrier colors: black, navy blue, khaki tan, and white.

Diamondback Tactical
Circle Reader Service No. 327

First Choice Armor

Available in Levels II and IIIA, the Synergy concealable vest from First Choice Armor features a six-point adjustable strapping system and the Evercool built-in internal cooling system. Made to draw a balance between protection and weight, the ultra lightweight vest uses a patent-pending ballistic weave that’s a blend of two aramids working together. The vest includes a 5x8-inch soft trauma plate and a carrier available in black, white, navy, and tan.

First Choice Armor
Circle Reader Service No. 328

Gator Hawk Armor

The Gator Flex SXT from Gator Hawk Armor was specifically designed to stop the Winchester 9mm 127-grain +P+ SXT round. This round is one of the most difficult to stop because unlike most rounds that mushroom out when they hit, the SXT actually turns in on itself. The Level II Gator Flex SXT vest has an average backface signature at certification of 28.5mm out of a maximum 44mm allowed and its 9mm V50s are over 1600 feet per second. In addition to its ballistics, the vest is also designed to be light, flexible, and comfortable.

Gator Hawk Armor
Gator Flex SXT
Circle Reader Service No. 329


The Forcefield Alpha concealable vest from MSA was designed to provide maximum comfort without sacrificing ballistic coverage. The latest flexible fabric technology gives you unsurpassed comfort in a ballistic vest. Increased side coverage and limited slip of ballistic panels give you better protection. The MSA-exclusive Armor-Latch Closure gives you reliable front-to-back overlap. The versatile jersey-style carrier can be worn alone or with a T-shirt. The MSA-exclusive Tri-T Comfort System pulls moisture away from your body and incorporates cooling technology, while reducing odor-causing bacteria.

Forcefield Alpha
Circle Reader Service No. 330


The new SVS outershell offers a self-ventilating design along with a sleek micro suede outer material. The mesh inner lining is treated with the Akwadyne moisture-wicking system for additional comfort and temperature control. Ballistic panels are easily loaded into the vest and held securely in place by PACA’s innovative shoulder suspension system. The vest’s VersaStrap six-point removable strapping system and front and rear shirt tails provide a better fit. Options include Armor Ice active cooling inserts, MAC 03 outershell, steel blunt trauma insert, blade plate, and a neoprene closure system. Outershell colors include black, navy, white, gray, and tan.

SVS (Self-Ventilating System)
Circle Reader Service No. 331

Point Blank

The new Vision ballistic vest from Point Blank was designed for maximum comfort. The Vision carrier system features adaptive comfort nanotechnology, a micro-encapsulated, phase change treatment to the body-side fabric that aids in temperature regulation to keep the body cooler. A self-suspending ballistic system prevents rolling and sagging inside the carrier, maintaining comfort and the integrity of protective coverage. Two individual shoulder strapping systems provide a choice between integrated or independent ballistic suspension. The Vision carrier’s super suede outer surgace won’t bunch or pull under the uniform, and features a soil-resistant finish. The ballistic panel cover resists moisture vapor transmission into ballistic fibers and inhibits growth of mold and bacteria. A 5x8-inch soft trauma insert is included. Available in NIJ certified Level II and Level IIIA, it comes in black, white, navy, and tan.

Point Blank
Circle Reader Service No. 332

Protective Products International

The Python vest from Protective Products International features internal suspension and new replaceable/removable straps, allowing you to customize the fit of your vest to your body shape. The moisture-wicking microfiber liner helps keep moisture away from the body for maximum comfort. Extra pockets inside and out allow you to easily increase your level of protection or add the optional Cool Plus system. The lightweight, Supplex breathable outershell with extgernal front and rear zipper is available in both male and female styles.

Protective Products International
Circle Reader Service No. 333

PT Armor

PT Armor’s new LTG hybrid series of balllistic vests offers the versatility of a woven aramid material combined with the strenghth of a unidirectional material. Each vest in the series is thin, light, and flexible, while maintaining low to moderate backface deformations with high V-50s. The LTG hybrid vest can be used with PT Armor’s new nylon athletic mesh cover with ergonomically correct ventilated shoulders. Available with or without shirt tails, the undergarment cover is designed with an ergonimic shoulder structure that prevents imprinting and provides comfort. The straps are fully adjustable and will not stretch out of shape.

PT Armor
LTG Hybrid
Circle Reader Service No. 334

Second Chance Body Armor

The new MAX Series vest pattern was developed at the request of the NYPD following the death of an officers who was shot in the normally unprotected armpit area. This new vest shape offers increased balllistic protection without sacrificing comfort and wearability. The MAX pattern significantly increases ballistic protection for the back, chest, and vulnerable underarm areas. The new MAX Series extended shape is now available as an option for most of Second Chance’s concealable vests, including the Summit, T2, and SC329.

Second Chance
Circle Reader Service No. 335

U.S. Armor

The Enforcer XLT from U.S. Armor uses Kevlar Comfort XLT and Honeywell GoldFlex to provide comfort and flexibility. Available in permanent nylon, poly/cotton, and poly-cotton Akwadyne carriers, the vest is available in a variety of styles, sizes, and lengths. A six-point elastic and Velcro closure system provides an accurate fit.

U.S. Armor
Enforcer XLT
Circle Reader Service No. 336

About the Author
Melanie Basich 2012 Headshot
Managing Editor
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