Photo by Kelly Bracken.
Have you noticed that Google+ has moved from the outer frontiers to become more of a part of the conversation? We've begun adding selected articles, so just add the PoliceMag Google+ page to your circles. If you'd like an email, when we post an update, be sure to add us to your "Following" circle.
If you're not Google+ fan, there are plenty of other ways to reach us. We've become much more active on Twitter. Our page just crossed 5,000 followers, so stop by @policemag to join the conversation. View this feed for a quick update of recent tweets.
We're also excited about the latest Flipboard update that allows publishers to set up custom magazines and curate law enforcement content from around the Web, including tweets and other social streams. We've set up a Flipboard POLICE Magazine for your tablet and other mobile devices.
We've also updated the PoliceMag YouTube channel, where you can view training lessons, product updates, and Officer of the Month profiles.
Maybe photo-sharing is more your thing. We have plenty of boards on Pinterest, where we've found that you like sharing police dogs and inspirational law enforcement messages.
Facebook remains a standard, so if you haven't "liked" us, please head to the PoliceMag Facebook page.
Perhaps you'd like to expand your professional network. Visit the PoliceMag LinkedIn page to interact with other officers and share resources.