Benchmade has brought back its Rukus knife and is adding a smaller version, the Mini-Rukus. Both knives are Blackwood designed with Benchmade’s exclusive AXIS system, which provides for a smooth one-handed ambidextrous opening. Just like its big brother, the new Mini-Rukus has a two-part handle assembly with the ability to semi-customize the handle scales as you see fit. The blade steel is made of S30V. The handle scales are a combination of black G10 composite and olive drab micarta. The Mini-Rukus weighs 5.9 ounces and has a blade length of 4.35 inches and an overall length of 10.12 inches.
Mini-Rukus Knife
Benchmade has brought back its Rukus knife and is adding a smaller version, the Mini-Rukus. Both knives are Blackwood designed with Benchmade’s exclusive AXIS system, which provides for a smooth one-handed ambidextrous opening. Just like its big brother, the new Mini-Rukus has a two-part handle assembly with the ability to semi-customize the handle scales as you see fit.
December 31, 2006
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