Lightfield has developed a full line of Less Lethal Law Enforcement ammunition that improves the overall utility of the 12-gauge platform. This ammunition is accurate, effective, affordable and designed to address range specific applications. The SuperStar is a close-range less-lethal impact projectile intended for direct fire at targets between 2 and 15 yards. The user should only target large muscle groups and soft tissue from the abdomen and below. Always avoid targeting the head, neck, thorax, spine, kidney area and groin as serious injury or death may occur.
Super Star Less-Lethal Rounds
Lightfield has developed a full line of Less Lethal Law Enforcement ammunition that improves the overall utility of the 12-gauge platform. This ammunition is accurate, effective, affordable and designed to address range specific applications. The SuperStar is a close-range less-lethal impact projectile intended for direct fire at targets between 2 and 15 yards.
October 31, 2008
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