IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) and VBIEDs (Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices) are often the terrorists’ weapon of choice. 2008 funding priorities for the Department of Homeland Security’s Grant Program include strengthening IED attack deterrence, prevention and protection capabilities as well as strengthening preparedness planning. To help communities achieve this goal, Emergency Film Group of Edgartown, MA has produced “IEDs & VBIEDs,” a training program for police, firefighters, rescue personnel, EMS, emergency management, security personnel and others who may be involved in an incident that involves such weapons.
Combining exciting footage of actual incidents with realistic training scenarios, “IEDs & VBIEDs” raises the awareness and operations capability of emergency personnel regarding these terrorist devices. The program explores both pre- and post-detonation response, examining approach scenarios and protective actions for both situations. Included with the package is a Resource CD-Rom which includes a customizable PowerPoint presentation that can be used by the Instructor as the basis of a training seminar, interactive testing materials, and a number of references in .pdf format that will enhance a training seminar.
Technical advisors for “IEDs & VBIEDs” include Dieter Heinz, hazardous materials consultant and a member of the NFPA committee on hazardous chemicals; Tom Rancich, former Navy SEAL and Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician; Chris Ronay, Executive Director of the Institute of Makers of Explosives, formerly Chief of the Explosives Operations Group for the FBI.; August Vernon, Assistant Coordinator, Forsyth County Office of Emergency Management (NC), security contractor serving in Iraq; and Trent Walker, Critical Incident Planner/ Hazardous Devices Technician, Greensboro (NC) Police Department.
Emergency Film Group uses leading professionals in emergency response and film production to create authoritative and accurate training programs for fire departments, hazmat teams, emergency management, police, EMS, the military and other emergency responders. Winner of more than 130 awards in national and international competitions, the company provides training on such timely topics as incident management, terrorism response, homeland security, hazardous materials, protective clothing, and air monitoring for its more than 12,000 customers.
New Educational Program Addresses IED Response
Emergency Film Group of Edgartown, MA has produced “IEDs & VBIEDs,” a training program for police, firefighters, rescue personnel, EMS, emergency management, security personnel and others who may be involved in an incident that involves such weapons.