TASER International has unveiled its new X3 electronic control device capable of firing three cartridges without reloading. The X3 is the first new handheld TASER ECD since the introduction of the TASER X26 in 2003.
The X3 uses a revolutionary Pulse Calibration System to constantly monitor and calibrate electrical output to provide more consistent effects on the target and to provide enhanced safety over the current proven and widely accepted TASER technology.
"The TASER X3 is the most sophisticated handheld weapon ever developed," said Rick Smith, CEO of TASER International. "The X3 will improve effectiveness and safety over the previous generations of TASER devices while also providing the ability to store and retrieve more information and diagnostic analysis on the use and performance of the device than the X26.
“While our flagship TASER X26 is recognized as the leading law enforcement tool to deliver a less-lethal response to resistance, it is limited by being only a single-shot system. Developing a multiple-shot capability makes sense to increase officer safety through the ability to recover from a missed shot or even simultaneously stop up to three separate targets. The remarkable technology advances of the X3 will provide more safety for officers and the communities they protect as well as more transparency in reporting and analyzing dynamic confrontations with law enforcement," Smith added.
Since July 1, TASER International has provided daily reveals of the new features and technology of the X3 at www.TASERX3.com. These include:
• The world's first multiple-shot ECD using new Rotational-Pulse Drive provides for enhanced officer safety by enabling the user to recover from missed shots and/or engage up to three targets.
• The ability to show subjects a Warning Arc even while cartridges are loaded. Previously, a warning arc has been shown to gain voluntary compliance in more than over 80 percent of incidents without resorting to the deployment of probes. However, this has previously required the removal of the TASER cartridge to demonstrate the electrical arcs, which can expose an officer to danger with a temporarily unloaded TASER device. Now, officers can readily use the Warning Arc while the cartridges are loaded resulting in both improved officer safety and suspect safety.
• Pulse Calibration System (PCS) and Charge Diffusion Probe the PCS constantly monitors and calibrates electrical output to deliver a Precision Shaped Pulse that provides more consistent effects on the target. The Charge Diffusion Probe allows most of the charge energy to diffuse into the outermost layers of the skin with much less energy penetrating deep into the body. The combination of the PCS and new Charge Diffusion Probe design in the X3 yields improved safety characteristics.
• Environmentally Hardened system withstands sea spray, rain, dust, electrostatic discharge, even short-term water submersion.
• Trilogy Log system with improved sensors inside the X3 greatly enhances the usage data analytics over prior generation dataports with a variety of sensors that record three data logs:
1. Event Log records common event data such as safety on/off, trigger presses, Warning Arcs, cartridge deployments as well as firmware updates, and time updates
2. Pulse Log stores the electric characteristics of every pulse emitted from the X3 and can determine if the charge was delivered to a subject, arced into the air as a warning, if probes missed the target, or even if the wires broke or some other factor interrupted charge delivery to the subject
3. Engineering Log monitors the performance of every key electrical sub-system within the X3 during events and at rest and provides alerts to the user if any sub-system is not performing properly and if maintenance is advisable.
• Range Adjusted Dual Laser System that increases officer accuracy and effectiveness with improved dual laser system which detects the types of cartridges loaded and automatically adjusts the related dual laser targeting system for the appropriate trajectory of the probes.
The price of the full X3 system, which includes the Magnesium Holster and data download kit, is $1,799.95. The company will offer trade-in programs for both the X26 and ADVANCED TASER M26 through December 31, 2009 to help existing customers transition to the X3.