Poll: Utah Citizens Favor Military Equipment for Police

A poll conducted recently in Utah shows that the residents of that state support police departments getting surplus military equipment.

Utahns are in favor of police having access to military weapons, according to a new UtahPolicy.com poll, but they are split on whether police agencies in general have become more militarized.

According to the poll, 21 percent of the 406 people surveyed said they "strongly support" police departments having military equipment, and 35 percent said they "somewhat support" it.

UtahPolicy.com’s website says the survey was conducted on Aug. 26-28 by Dan Jones & Associates, and had a margin of error of plus or minus 4.9 percentage points.

The same people surveyed also were asked questions about whether they thought police should wear body cameras. Earlier this week, UtahPolicy released those numbers, which indicated that more than 80 percent of those surveyed believe officers should wear body cameras while on the job.

Read more in the Salt Lake Tribune article.

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