Action Target and VirTra Team Up to Make Simulator and Live-Fire Training Products

Action Target Inc., a global leader in modern live-fire shooting ranges has announced a teaming agreement with VirTra Inc., a global leader in judgmental and use-of-force firearms training simulators.

Action Target Inc., a global leader in modern live-fire shooting ranges has announced a teaming agreement with VirTra Inc., a global leader in judgmental and use-of-force firearms training simulators. Under this agreement, the two companies will work together to provide the industry with solutions for both simulation training systems and live-fire shooting ranges.

More than 400 law enforcement and military locations, spanning local police and the federal government currently use VirTra simulators to improve judgment, critical thinking, communication skills, and decision-making during highly stressful encounters. Bringing together both companies’ expertise will allow for an unmatched innovative assortment of training solutions from Action Target and VirTra.

“Action Target is excited to join forces with VirTra, a like-minded global leader and innovator,” said Action Target CEO Mike Birch. “We believe in working with companies, such as VirTra that share not only our core values but also possess the leadership and experience to provide best-in-class product solutions to meet the demands of our industry.”



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