Officers Manny Canuto and Diamantino "D" Araujo work in plainclothes in "Boston's Finest." Photo courtesy of TNT.
"Boston's Finest," a police reality show following several Boston Police Department officers, will begin airing on Wednesday on TNT. The eight-episode series will air at 9 p.m.
Series producer Donnie Wahlberg has said the show won't just be a Boston take on Fox's "Cops" and will include a more personal look at the officers' lives away from their law enforcement duties.
The show will give viewers "an up-close and very personal look at what it takes to protect and serve one of America's greatest and most distinctive cities," according to a TNT release.
Several officers from various units will be featured, including officers Diamantino "D" Araujo, Manny Canuto, Myles Lawton, Jenn Penton, and Sgt. Robert Twitchell.
"We follow different units," Wahlberg told the Boston Globe. "We ride with the gang unit a lot, the fugitive task force, patrolmen, and the SWAT team as well. Different people from those units stepped forward and became the central people that we focused on."
Editor's note: Listen to our "Boston's Finest" podcast with Sgt. Robert Twitchell.