From the Vault: POLICE Magazine featured the article, "Why I Joined the Bomb Squad," in its September 2008 issue and the topic is just as relevant today. Mexican drug cartels have used car bombs in Juarez, and San Diego deputies supervised the burning of a "bomb factory" house in December. Joining an agency's bomb squad is a career path most people, even cops, consider crazy. Det. Dave Scraggs explains his reason — the threat is prevalent. Photos courtesy of Det. Scraggs.
Joining the Bomb Squad
From the Vault: POLICE Magazine featured the article, "Why I Joined the Bomb Squad," in its September 2008 issue and the topic is just as relevant today. Mexican drug cartels have used car bombs in Juarez, and San Diego deputies supervised the burning of a "bomb factory" house in December. Joining an agency's bomb squad is a career path most people, even cops, consider crazy. Det. Dave Scraggs explains his reason — the threat is prevalent. Photos courtesy of Det. Scraggs.