Information about the April disappearance of a K-9 with the Chapmanville (WV) Police Department has been turned over to the Kanawha County Prosecutor’s Office for review, according to Chapmanville City Attorney Rob Kuenzel. The dog's handler could face charges.
Kuenzel said South Charleston detectives have completed their investigative report and forwarded to the prosecutor’s office to determine if any charges will be filed in connection with the dog’s disappearance.
Chase was reported missing April 11 by his handler, who lives in South Charleston, Metro News reports.
South Charleston Police investigated the dog’s disappearance. They found the information they gathered through their investigation did not line up with what the officer had initially told them. The officer told investigators he believed the dog ran away or was stolen. Investigators found the handler’s story to be “inconsistent.”
The handler has been dismissed from the Chapmanville PD.
In addition to the possibility of criminal charges, the former could face civil action from the towna, Kuenzel said.