Deadline Approaches for 2002 Vest Funding

If you want to obtain federal funding for your agency's bulletproof vest purchases made since Mar. 1999, the application deadline is rapidly approaching. The 2002 application submission period ends on April 13, 2002.

If you want to obtain federal funding for your agency's bulletproof vest purchases made since Mar. 1999, the application deadline is rapidly approaching. The 2002 application submission period ends on April 13, 2002.

The Bulletproof Vest Grant Acts of 1998 (Public Law 105-181) and 2000 (Public Law 106-517) assist States (and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands), units of local government, and Indian tribes, in obtaining funds to purchase ballistic and stab vests for their law enforcement officers.

Any vest purchased after March 1, 1999 that meets applicable National Institute of Justice standards is eligible for funding, using an electronic, Internet-based application and payment request process. The entire process of obtaining federal funds is completed through the following Website:

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