Denver Deputy Arrested for Helping Inmate Escape

Denver police arrested a Denver Sheriff's deputy for allegedly helping a gang inmate escape by providing a police uniform and duty belt in exchange for payment.

Photo of Deputy Matthew Andrews courtesy of Denver PD.Photo of Deputy Matthew Andrews courtesy of Denver PD.

Denver police arrested a Denver Sheriff's deputy for allegedly helping a gang inmate escape by providing a police uniform and duty belt in exchange for payment.

Police said deputy Matthew Andrews, a two-year veteran of the agency, gave the gear to Felix Trujillo, 24, after the gang member said he was in danger from other gang members. The deputy later drove Trujillo to the north Denver area where a getaway car was waiting, reports CBS Denver.

A sheriff's spokesman told the Denver Post that Trujillo didn't have a police radio or weapon. Andrews, who has been placed on administrative leave, reportedly confessed to his supervisors and refused to give a statement to Denver PD investigators following his arrest.

It was the first escape from the Downtown Detention Center, which opened in 2010.

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