A former Marine marksman with a history of post-traumatic stress disorder was identified by Albuquerque police as the man responsible for an eight-hour long SWAT standoff that ended Saturday morning, the Albuquerque Journal reports.
Albuquerque police said Jason Kerns, 37, fled the scene of a crash on southbound Interstate 25 north of the Big I in a Hummer sport-utility vehicle around 7:30 p.m. Friday, and a police officer pulled him over on the south-to-east flyover ramp a half-hour later.
Kerns showed the officer a gun after he was stopped, according to Albuquerque Police Department spokesman Daren DeAguero, prompting police to call in a SWAT team and close the flyover, as well as eastbound I-40 from Second Street to University Boulevard.
Kerns was taken from the vehicle around 4 a.m. Saturday and didn’t say anything to police or his lawyer, so he was transported to the Veterans Affairs Medical Center for a psychiatric evaluation.