OptiScan’s Radiant One handheld emergency lighting baton is visible for more than a mile. The high-intensity baton operates in three modes: steady, fast blink, and intermediate blink. It calls attention to officers at traffic control points, special event parking, and accident scenes. Although lightweight, Radiant One’s Lexan construction is so tough it can be used as a combat baton when necessary. Radiant One can even be run over by a car without damage. It is weatherproof, can be used day or night, and operates on two C-cell batteries.
Radiant One
OptiScan’s Radiant One handheld emergency lighting baton is visible for more than a mile. The high-intensity baton operates in three modes: steady, fast blink, and intermediate blink. It calls attention to officers at traffic control points, special event parking, and accident scenes.
May 31, 2007
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