AD11-V Handheld Metal Detector

Adams Electronics’ model AD11-V has the simultaneous audio/visual alarm facility standard on all the company’s handheld metal detectors. But it also has the ability, via a two-position rocker switch, to switch the detector to either standard "audio/visual" setting or "vibration only” mode. This feature gives the AD11-V the ability to alert the operator of a potential weapon silently.

Adams Electronics’ model AD11-V has the simultaneous audio/visual alarm facility standard on all the company’s handheld metal detectors. But it also has the ability, via a two-position rocker switch, to switch the detector to either standard "audio/visual" setting or "vibration only” mode. This feature gives the AD11-V the ability to alert the operator of a potential weapon silently. This feature has proven very useful when working in a noisy environment or if the operator wishes to conduct a search procedure while keeping eye contact with the subject being screened.

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