Sobriety Testing Device

The HGPen is designed to greatly improve the muscle memory needed for the HGN test battery and allow officers to focus on clues and officer safety, not counting and worrying about test battery order and application.

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The purpose of the HGPen is to provide a standardized instrument for the horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN) test battery by indicating to the officer how long each test must be administered. The device was designed, developed, and patented with input from law enforcement professionals, prosecutors, and defense attorneys after several years of research and development followed up with intensive field testing for Standardized Field Sobriety Testing. According to the company, the HGPen greatly improves the muscle memory needed for the HGN test battery and allows officers to focus on clues and officer safety, not counting and worrying about test battery order and application. It is intended as both a training tool and a practical tool for the field.

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